Monday, March 28, 2011

Sweet Dreams

Man, don't you just hate it when you're having the sweetest dream
and you just want it to go on forever,
and you kind of maybe even know it's a dream, 
but you won't let yourself be talked out of the moment
and then....
the alarm clock goes off and ruins everything.
That was my morning.
Started off so wonderful...
a dream of the past, 
but one that I could still see as clear in my mind as yesterday.
I could see that dimpled grin
and hear that little high-pitched voice.

Then I had to go and wake up.

Funny how your mind and heart never let you 
forget all the little details of your precious memories.

I thought about that dream all day.
I found the picture that's been on my mind -
that age, those little baby teeth, that sweet face
that I could so plainly touch and feel early this morning.
My better half said it perfectly 
when I told him about it-
"Lucky...that's the best kind of dream there is."

Friday, March 25, 2011

Full Moon Alert!

If you think controlled chaos is a reality, 
and not just an oxymoron...
you must be a teacher.
If you can't enjoy the upcoming full moon forecast,
because you know EXACTLY what that means,
you must be a teacher.

If you can go to the restroom and back, including hand-washing,
at the speed of lightning...
you must be a teacher.

If you can attentively listen to many noises and voices at the same time
and think that's normal...
you must be a teacher.

If you receive a Valentine box of chocolates with a few bites missing,
and you eat the un-bitten ones anyway...
you must be a teacher.

If you tell people that being exposed to germs on a daily basis
can actually help your immune system...
you must be a teacher.

If you find it almost impossible not to correct 
a perfect stranger's unruly children...
you must be a teacher.

If you jump up and down, saying "Thank you, God"
upon hearing the news that it's a snow day...
you must be a teacher.

If you ask your husband to please use his inside voice
when he gets a little irritated...
you must be a teacher.

If you can't bear to throw away egg cartons, toilet paper rolls,
empty coffee cans and butter bowls...
you must be a teacher.

If you can cram down your lunch, check your mailbox, 
use the restroom, make a phone call or two - 
all in twenty-five minutes...
you must be a teacher.

If you know that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...
you must be a teacher.

If you know it's possible to learn to love
someone who you thought would be the death of you yet...
you must be a teacher.

If you've realized there are now hundreds of
names you'll never be able to name your own child...
you must be a teacher.

If your tweens felt robbed because they had to spend every 
summer break at home with their mom...
you must be a teacher. 

If your friends laugh because you still use the word "naughty" ...
you must be a teacher.  

And if you totally get all of the above, 
and you're still doing it anyway...
you MUST be a teacher!  
(Sigh...... smile.)


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Best Friends

Sometimes I'm kind of shy...
I've got a friend who knows no stranger.

Sometimes the future scares me.
I've got a friend who reminds me of what I've learned from the past.

Sometimes I like to hibernate.
I've got a friend who patiently waits for me to exit the cave.

Sometimes I act childish.
I've got a friend who likes to play.

Sometimes I really need to get something off my chest.
I've got a friend who listens without judging.

Sometimes I can't contain a secret.
I've got a friend who I know will keep it.

Sometimes I need a road trip.
I've got a friend who's always packed.

Sometimes I am a jerk.
I've got  a friend with a short memory.

Sometimes I lose my purse.
I've got a friend who's already found it.

Sometimes I want to just give up.
I've got a friend who never quits.

Sometimes I just don't know what I need.
I've got a friend who prays for me.

Sometimes I need a good laugh.
I've got a friend who cracks me up.

Sometimes I need a shoulder to cry on.
I've got a friend with open arms.

Sometimes I act my age.
I've got a friend who reminds me not to.

Sometimes I don't have a clue.
I've got a friend who does.

Sometimes I wish I was a better friend, more like her.
I've got a friend who teaches me how.

Love you, BF!

Monday, March 21, 2011

You Can't Judge a Book By It's Test Scores

Little Johnny, quit asking when lunch is and concentrate on doing your best.
This test is important!
It will show everyone if you're smart or not.

Little Johnny didn't have any breakfast this morning.  His tummy was aching.
His mom doesn't get her check for two more days.  And they have only enough for dinner tonight.

Little Johnny, you're late again this morning.  Can't you ever be on time?
You know how important this test is.
It will help prove that I'm a proficient teacher.

Little Johnny had to wake up his mom this morning.  She came in early 
from working her second job. He told her how mad his teacher got when he was late.

Little Johnny, please go to the restroom and wash your hands and face.
You can't concentrate on doing your best on our test with sticky hands.
(And where is that smell coming from?)

Little Johnny found his own clothes to wear to school, and helped his
little brother get dressed too.  He hopes they don't laugh at his dirty shirt again today.

Little Johnny, please use a tissue to wipe your nose.
You're spreading your germs everywhere.  Try not to disturb the
others who want to do well on their test.

Little Johnny slept on an old, stained mattress on the floor last night with his
two little sisters.  They only had one blanket to share.  He let them 
have most of it.

Little Johnny, would you please ask your mom 
and dad again to come talk to me about your test scores?
It's very important.

Little Johnny hasn't seen his real dad since he was two.
He had to go to jail.  Mom has a new boyfriend though.

Little Johnny, please concentrate on your test.
Our school will be judged by how well you do.
Quit laying your head on your desk.

:Little Johnny got to stay up as late as he wanted last night.
He just had to be sure to push the alarm clock button before he 
went to bed. Sometimes he gets scared at night.

 Little Johnny wishes more than anything he had 
a hot meal for breakfast,
someone to help him get ready for school,
water at his house for a warm bath...with bubbles,
a new clean shirt to wear,
someone to help him with his homework,
 his very own soft bed with lots of blankets,
 a mom and dad who would come to school to meet his teacher.

Teacher, I'm gonna do my very best on the test today. 
I want you to be proud of me.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Big Brothers

Big Brothers 
 All for one - and one for all.

til the end.

"A brother is a friend God gave you;
A friend is a brother your heart chose." - Proverb

 Band of brothers

"It takes two men to make one brother." - Israel Zangwill

 "You're my best buddy, my favorite friend,
we'll always be pals, from now until the end." - Unknown

 "Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies." - Aristotle


Boys and their 
Nanas and Papas

 "it is because we are different that each one of us is special." - Brian Dyson

 Carefully checking out little brother's ORU ballgame.

 "Bonded...for better or worse, you're always connected." - Unknown  



"We came into the world like brother and brother;
And now let's go hand in hand,
not one before another.
" - William Shakespeare

 "Your FIRST child opens your eyes to the wonder of each new age,
your LAST reminds you of its transience." - Unknown

 "Between the innocence of babyhood, and the dignity of manhood,
we find a delightful creature of a boy." - Unknown.

 "It was nice growing up with someone like you... someone to count on,
someone to lean on - someone to TELL on." - Unknown

 "A mystic bond of brotherhood makes all men one." - Thomas Carlyle

May your paths always lead back to each other.
I love you, boys.

Just Call Me Francesca

Sometimes, I almost forget what my
name is.

My better half has always taken to calling me
by a nickname.
The thing about nicknames is that 
the party being called the nickname 
seldom gets to pick the nickname.

I'm not complaining though.
I like it when he calls me a pet name.

Jeanie, Jean, Jeaners and Nienie(rhymes with Jeanie)
seem almost like my real name. 
He's called me those since college days.
Started out with Jean, then expanded from there.
That's what I answer to around here ninety percent of the time. 
It's been in our repertoire so long,
I call him by the same too.
It's kinda weird, I know.  
Instead of Babe, or Hon, it's Jean or Jeanie.
I don't call him Nienie, though.
 Not very masculine.
Our boys have heard it for years
and I don't ever recall them asking us
about it.
It's just always been.

As normal as the aforementioned names seem to me,
I have to admit that some of my other nicknames
are a little out there.
Tambo Jolene. Tambone, 
Little Nienie Ann, 
to name a few.
 Ha ha.... I just love Francesca.
When he calls me that
it makes me laugh.

And...since no one ever asked me what I would have picked,
I'd like to voice my opinion
about my nicknames of choice.

Queen or better yet, The Queen seems like an obvious given,
seeing that I spent so many years in a house full of testosterone.
Buttercup is pretty.
Morning Sunshine...
 quite appealing.
I like Precious, but
that weird little Smeagol guy
from Lord of the Rings ruined that one for me.

I'm glad we don't ever find out
our nicknames given to us by
 our teenage children,
aren't you?

  Pretty sure
The Queen might have been used once or twice.
That or Control Freak.

1. (n.) nickname - a name substituted for the 
proper name of a person, 
 in affection, familiarity, or ridicule.
Long live the Queen!

(yahoo image)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Little Brothers

Little Brothers
"A brother is a friend given by nature." -Unknown

Boy meets world.

"A friend is a brother, who once was a bother." - Unknown

 "Oh brother, where are thou?" -

Boys only!

"Half the time when brothers wrestle, it's just an excuse to hug each other." - James Patterson

"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero." -Marc Brown

I love my brother, my brother loves me.

 Boys will be boys.

You are my son-shine.

 Big brother is watching,
"It was from you that I first learned to think, to feel,
to imagine, to believe." - John Sterling

"Of all the things I have to play, I'd choose my brother any day." -  Unknown
"Never make a companion equal to a brother." - Hesiod

Big brother - "You first."
Little brother - "Me first." - Mom

Like father, like son.

 Brothers unite for the common good.

"He ain't heavy, he's my brother." - Neil Diamond

Straight From the Horses Mouth

"The old gray mare...
she ain't what she used to be."

Never paid much mind to that little ditty.
Until I turned 37 plus 13.
Now I don't see any humor in it.
In fact, it's just plain rude.

Why should the old girl be what she 
used to be?

She's worked for the better part of her life,
raised her babies....
taken care of her stallion,
kept a home,
worried about everything that
could possibly be worried about.

chaperoned, chauffeured,
coddled, cooed,
cried, comforted,
counseled, cultivated,
cleaned, cooked,
cooperated, coached 
and coordinated.

She should be tired...
very tired.
Why do you think they call her a workhorse?

She might not be that cute young filly
she once was...
 but don't put her out to pasture yet.
Just hold your horses!
She's still got some trottin', 
chargin', gallopin', and
prancin' yet to do.

 And that's straight from the horse's mouth. 
How 'bout somebody write a song about that.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Do You Like My New Toothbrush?

My last post got me thinking about color.

Wouldn't our world be boring without it?
I am so thankful that the Lord painted it
with brilliant hues, 
beautiful pastels,
and classic black and whites.
Just like our skin colors.
I love to have my children at school put our hands all into a circle 
and admire the beautiful differences.
It would be so hum drum if we all looked the same.

I'm a very visual person
I notice color variations.
They excite me.
My better-half...not so much.
 (That didn't come out right.
I mean, they don't excite him.
Not that he doesn't excite me.)

We have an ongoing disagreement about blues and greens.
What I think is more green (or aqua as I like to call it)-
he thinks is more blue
(or turquoise as I like to call it.)
To him, it's just blue or green.

He asks my help in deciding what goes with 
brown pants and shoes, 
and what goes with black pants and shoes.

He doesn't get very excited when I tell him I found something
for the house that is just the
perfect color of robin-egg blue.

I don't even need to tell you if he notices the 
change in my hair color.
OK, it may be a slight change,
but it's a change.

Once,  we almost won "The Newlywed Game"
we were playing with a large group of people.
There was a prize.
he thought the color of my toothbrush was pink.
It was not anything of the sort.
It was salmon.
We lost.

I went and bought a new toothbrush.
It was chartreuse.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dinner Themes - Even Baseball

I love to have people over for dinner.
I love themes.
I love parties.
So why not put them all together.

I want to have a dinner to celebrate
my son's return to pitching after a year
out for surgery and then rehab.

He has kept his mind on his goal...
  to come back stronger than ever,
and I believe he will.
Anyways, hope you'll try to excuse my
peacock feathers spreading out.
I am proud of him, regardless of 
what the outcome would have been.
This is during his first game
back  -
He was SO ready!

Baseball theme
(I grabbed some items from the office-books, glove/balls,
statue, star off the wall, hat from closet, canvas from gift closet,
 & patriotic place mats.)

I found that blue canvas with the saying at TJMaxx...made 
me think of him.   He was SO blue when he found
out that he would need Tommy John surgery, and 
have to miss a whole year of baseball.

I decided to play around with some  other table decor themes
for spring and summer.
I have already shown you a few ideas in a previous post,
but here are a few more to add.

It's really fun and simple.  
Look around the house and find some similar-themed
items and just have fun with it
until you get an end product you like.
The ideas are endless.

Beach/Coastal theme
(Items taken from bathroom, guest room, 
closet, etc.)

Thank you Jennie, for giving me the ball of shells.
