Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Want My Mommy!

I have the flu.
I thought that's what flu shots were for.
I am not a happy camper.

Bless my better-half's heart. 
He is good to me when I'm sick.
He buys me special things
that he thinks will make me feel better,
like my favorite drink when I'm not feeling well-
Gatorade and cranberry juice.
 He asks me often, "How are you feeling?"
or "Do you need anything?"
He picks up around the house because
he knows that will make me feel better too.
He does all he can do.

But... when I'm really sick,

I remember when I was a kid, sick in bed,
she would come in my room a hundred times a day
(or so it seemed)
to make sure I was covered up,
and touched my face, or felt my forehead,
and brought me soup or drinks. 
Moms just have that special touch, don't they?
She'd let me watch extra tv and
lay around while everyone else 
went about their regular routines.
I knew she was just a beckon-call away,
ready to make me feel better in any way she could.
(C'mon-You know you were that way too!)
I liked the attention, I guess.
My other sisters were just out of luck, 
because I was the one who was sick...they'd just 
have to stand in line that day.
(Hmm, does a high fever cause one to write in
a self-absorbed fashion?)

As a mother myself, I know I get
knots in my stomach when one of my
kids get sick. 
I guess that must be a mom-thing
(right, ladies?)
And mind you, they are grown men now,
not little boys.
but I still have sympathy pains
when they are ill. 

I'm thankful, though, that moms (and aunts) were made that way-
to have that instinct to know
just how to take care of our babies.
I think they still like to be taken care of,
no matter how old they are.

                                         I sure do.                My mom called
 me right away after       finding out I had the 
flu.  Of course  she wanted to know what she could do, or
 bring me.  If I wasn't contagious,  I sure might have taken
her up on it.  But instead, I'm just going to remember
all the times she took care of me, and loved
on me and had sympathy pains 
for me. Thanks Mom.


 And besides, don't worry.
The doctor prescribed a special medication
made just for me...
it's called Tamiflu. 
(I still blame the fever though,
for the self-indulgent thoughts!)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Snips,Snails, Puppy Dog Tails...and What's that Smell?

I grew up in a family of girls...well, and also my dad,
who is not a girl. 

I knew girls...I knew how they worked and how their
minds worked.
So I was pretty sure that when it came time to have babies,
there would be at least one girl included 
in that package.

What I did not know...was

Or that I was going to be the lucky recipient of two of them!

Although it's true that I married a grown boy,
I basically did not know that much about the world of little boys.

I did not know that boys could get so dirty, or 
be perfectly happy getting so dirty.
And stinky!  Whew, I did not know about that!
I didn't know that they could produce such smells and sounds 
from their bodies that would make any dad proud!
I did not know that they could gladly eat almost anything 
at anytime, anywhere.
Or that if they got mad, they were over it in record-breaking time.
Little boys don't hold grudges...they've got too much planned for their day.
I didn't know that they were perfectly happy wearing the same 
every day,
unless someone strongly urged them to change it.
Or...that when given the opportunity to go shopping with their mom 
for new clothes...
they would take a rain check!  What??
I'm talking about SHOPPING here! 

what I also didn't know, 
was that God had a very special reason 
for blessing me with sons.

I didn't know that little boys could love their Mommies so much.
That at least while they were young, she hung the moon.
I didn't know they could steal your heart and 
make you wonder how you ever could have wanted anything but sons.
(Besides, modern-day boys can wear pink, right?)
I didn't know that they could grow into little men right before your eyes,
paying close attention to their Dad's example.
Or that they could melt your heart with one little home-made
card that said, "I Love You, Mom!"
I didn't know that they could try to make you feel so protected
as they were trying out their roles 
for the future.

I've always heard that you can tell how good of a husband a man will
be based on how they treat their mother.
I hope that's true - 
because I will have two well-loved daughter-in-laws.

What are little boys made of?
Everything wonderful...and then some.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bangs Will Always Be In Style

 Who does that?
Who gets a hairbrush stuck in their hair?  
Well, before I tell you who, 
I should tell you that in all honesty,
she might not have known the unspoken rule
about long wet hair and round brushes
not being a good match.
She probably thought it was a cool-looking new brush, and
she had never used a big round one like it

It might have been turquoise and pretty,
and she might have had a lot of hair stuck in her old brushes
and just felt like
buying a new one, a new round one...
that was pretty...and turquoise.

She probably had no clue that when she used it
in her wet hair,
it would grab on like there was no tomorrow,
or no chance of ever letting go.

She probably tried not to panic, because
her hair was probably the best thing she had
going for her,
she would not look very cute without bangs.

Her husband might have offered to help her
he felt sorry for her
and because she looked pretty pathetic with red eyes and
hairbrush hair.

Then he might have accidentally made it worse
when trying to get it out,
because now instead of just sticking out the side of her head,
it was sticking straight up.
She might have really lost it then
and said some really mean things,
while she was cry-screaming.

Then she might have called her friend-slash-hairdresser
because she saw no future for those bangs and 
was beginning to feel faint.
And her friend-slash-hairdresser
might have instructed her to come on over and she'd help.

Because and only because she felt that it sounded like
there may be a 
she got in her car, still in her pajamas, and with a 
over her head, 
drove to her friend-slash-hairdresser's house.

She was probably already very late for work and 
her husband was going to talk to her boss,
because she had only told him on the phone that there
was a slight minor emergency 
at her house that morning.

There might have been a policeman who pulled 
up next to her at the stoplight,
and noticing that she was crying and 
had a towel on top of her head with 
something sticking out under it,
decided he was already late for work
and didn't have time to help.
She was most definitely very
happy about that...I mean probably.

And when she finally did arrive at the... hairdresser's house,
who fell on her knees laughing when she answered the door,
and now just might not get to be called
her friend-slash-hairdresser again,
she was probably able to get her hair untangled
from that *%#@ brush
piece by little piece.
She probably usually didn't cuss, but 
as in that case, it seemed probable.

It might have happened that way -
but if it did
I bet for sure she would have saved
that brush...
that brush that once use to be pretty
and turquoise...
just to prove her story!

This was taken after arriving at Docia's (who I'm proud to say still IS and ALWAYS will be
a dear friend of mine.)..I don't remember who took this picture, because I  think she was still on the
floor laughing, so it might have been Kathy, who happened to be there for her 
hair appt.  I had managed to get it at a sideway's angle again,
and found the courage to laugh at myself in order to show that
I had faith in a good outcome.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Twenty-three Hugs and a Big Sucker

I wasn't really ready to return to school today.

I'd had two weeks of snow days


still felt the need to play.

It was quiet, it was peaceful,

it was fun to stay up late.

If the laundry needed cleaning

it most likely had to wait.

I slept in, I took long naps,

I did what my heart most desired,

I watched movies, began a blog,

and whatever else transpired.

I was easy-going, cavelier,

and went make-up free for days!

I read magazines, watched HGTV,

made my omelettes all sorts of ways.

But then, alas,

the time did come,

when back to school I headed.

It wasn't really that the kids

themselves were what I dreaded.

It's just I wasn't sure if I

could fake a morning smile...

The school bell rang and in they came,

all lined up single file.

I took a deep long cleansing breath,

and prayed that they were tired,

I knew that on this Valentine's Day,

they'd be full of glee and wired!

I smiled at them and they at me,

with snaggle-toothy grins,

and 23 hugs later....

I was suckered in again!!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

I Hope That Runs in the Family

My better half and I had dinner out with
my parents tonight.

After a discussion about white eggs vs. brown eggs 
(you never know what might come up at dinner),
I asked my Mom and Dad a little more about the time they 
lived rent-free on the chicken farm in exchange
for gathering and candling the eggs. 
After learning that most often a hen has a red earlobe
if she lays brown eggs,
that a fresh egg will have a yolk that will stay on top of the whole egg when broken,
AND that the type of feed a chicken
eats is what really affects the taste most,
I had a few more questions for my parents,
But NOT about eggs.

I wanted to know more about my Grandpa Owens, who worked hard all 
his life and raised his family without much of anything in
the way of what we are use to having.
Every day he would walk home from work and 
stop and pick up whatever was needed from the store for dinner, 
and would always bring a little sack of penny candy home for his children,
all nine of them!
How sweet was that!
(I hope that runs in the family.)

My grandpa must have really experienced life...
Mom told me that after his parents died when he was young,
he lived in a tepee for awhile with some Indians who took him in.
What resilience he had to acquire at such a young age!
(I hope that runs in the family.) 

I found out that when he retired, he had worked more years for the Santa Fe
Railroad than anyone else west of the Mississippi River.
 I know he worked hard all his life, walked to and from work every day,
always showed up,
and came home at the end of the long day to his family.
Talk about a work ethic to be proud of!
(I hope that runs in the family.)

I  was reminded about how he and Grandma and their first child 
two of his brothers, and his mother-in-law
lived in a boxcar for awhile.
Grandma had a stove of some sort, 
and they didn't have much else, 
but they made it work.
And I bet they appreciated what they did have.
What grit and determination.
(I hope that runs in the family.)

My Grandma Owens had nine children,
all of them born at home.
(I had my boys via natural childbirth, and I'm 
getting sweaty right now just thinking about birthing nine of them.)
She took care of her family and extended family -
(my invalid great-grandmother lived with them for about thirteen years)
scrubbed their clothes and cooked their meals.
She didn't go out to eat
get to spend a romantic evening away from 
home and her kids.
And I bet she seldom ever complained about it, if at all -
especially out loud where someone could hear her.
Talk about a real woman!
(I hope that runs in the family.)

So Mom,
I understand a little better about what makes you
so compassionate and strong and determined
and went to school and got your
bachelor's and master's degrees, plus 60,  
you were a wonderful teacher and influenced my decision to be one...
 thank you for passing down those genes...
I'm hoping and praying they run in the family!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Funny Valentine

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend...
and really lucky
that he still makes me

sometimes, many times in
one day.
Sometimes, many times in one hour. 

 Sometimes, I don't really feel
like laughing...
but he usually can make me laugh

Sometimes, when he's trying really hard to make me laugh,
and I don't want him to see me laughing,
 he usually can make me laugh

Sometimes, I tell him that is NOT funny,
but he usually can make me laugh

I've decided I would miss laughing -  very much...
I hope I can always laugh.
 And I especially hope he never quits trying
to make me laugh,
that would NOT be funny,
my Funny Valentine!


Skinny Jeans Vs. Skinny Genes

Fossil jeans from Yahoo!Shopping

Skinny jeans...
now who do you suppose invented these?

Someone who wished they were skinny and could wear them...doubt it.
Someone who enjoyed looking at other people
wearing them...I think not.
Someone who wanted all the skinny people
of the world to unite in common pomposity...
(again, I turned to a thesaurus for this perfect word,)
highly probable!!

Please don't get me wrong -
I generally don't hold it against
those of you who can wear them. 
But seriously...
numero uno - you don't have to let everyone know that you're wearing them,
number two...they could have just as easily been called 
"Leave Nothing to the Imagination" jeans,
number three...most likely, as you get older,
every time you have to buy a new size up, you'll
call the last pair your "skinny" jeans.
It's called Karma....(smile.) 

I mean, you don't see us going around announcing our
"Pleasantly Plump" pants  or our "Too Tight to Zip" trousers!!

I'd like to think people could use a  little sensitivity in the naming of garments...

"I'm a Big Girl Now" clothes, or
"I Could Wear a Smaller Size, But This Was on Clearance" wear,
or maybe even an
"At Least People Won't Wonder if I'm Not Eating Enough"

Let me just say , if I ever design
and market clothing, I'm not going to leave the majority out!  
That's a promise!

Now ...back to work on my new idea
 for work-out wear called.
"If You Can Wear That, You Don't Need to Exercise!"


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Peace that Transcends all Understanding

It's  funny how the older I get,
the more life seems to feel comfortable.
I don't know if it's because 
I don't see it with quite the same 
glasses I've worn in the past,
or if it's
just that with age comes at least a little bit of wisdom
and inner peace.

Not wisdom and peace from my own way!
I know God has guided me and allowed me to
go down certain paths along the way, gently nudging 
when I need it,
and more importantly,
stepping back when He needs to...
ready to catch me
when i fall.

But then I usually remember...
remember what I've learned, what I'd do differently if I could,
and mostly remember the things I wouldn't change for the world!
And you know what they are?
The valleys...yep, that's heard me.
The trials, the hard times, the days and nights when I wondered 
how I would ever make it through.
And you know what else?
I've weathered them, only through God's grace and love for me,
and I promise you...each time I've come out stronger
and more ready to handle the next one! 

Just let me just stop and say, 
for future reference,

I know they're not over with!  I know, I DEFINITELY know there are more,
and that I will make SO many wrong turns along the way,
I also know 
that each time God sends
a storm, He shelters me through it with the biggest umbrella ever!
Sometimes I've been mad at Him, and longed for His presence,
and wondered why it took HIm so long to answer me.
But I had to just wait...pray, study His Word, and
(And when I didn't do these things, it took a lot longer!)
I would sometimes have to cry out to Him
to please just carry me..because I was too tired 
to deal with it anymore.
But finally came the peace.
That peace that passes all understanding.
The peace that I wondered if ever would come.
The peace that I've seen in so many others 
that I know have suffered a much more
storm in their lives than me.
I could learn a thing or two from them!
I am AMAZED by their strength in God and how they stand so firmly
on His promises.  
Boy could I learn a thing or two from those precious friends
that are so dear to my heart!
They are without a doubt more full of God's armor than I can probably 
ever hope to be.

I'd like to share one of my favorite Bible verses with you...
a verse that has given me hope and faith through many situations in life.
I hope it will give you comfort too. 
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything,
by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
(Here's my favorite part..)
And the peace of God,
which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  Philipians 4:6-7

I'm so thankful that Jesus is the only peace I will ever need.


Thursday, February 3, 2011


February 4, 2011

wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
In fact, I can't imagine my life
without my sisters!
There is no one (well, except for God, of course)
who knows me better,
sees me for what and who I really am,
loves me anyway...
than my sisters.

Who else can you fight with, play with, compete with,
laugh until your belly hurts with,
cry with, shop with, 
cook with, eat with,
talk with, share with,
and love with,
more than sisters? 

They're there to pick you up,
to be brutally honest when you need it,
to make you crazy
to remind you of how much you're turning into your mother,
to make you snort out loud in 
hysterical laughter,  
(even when you're watching one of the saddest scenes ever at the theater,)
to put you in your place,
to allow you to take a longed-for step back in time,
to let you be a big (or little) sissy again...
 To my sweet and slightly unpredictable

here's to many more
treasured memories-
from childhood to adult and into our golden years!
No doubt, my youngest sister
is thinking to herself...
"Um, you're golden years are going to be
before my golden years!"

What do you love about your sister?