Saturday, May 14, 2011

Some Fairy Tales Really Do Come True

After reading The Three Bears 
this week,
I am convinced that
  may have been in MY house.

More specifically,
I'd guess a 6'3, food-sniffing someone.

After coming home from a recent trip,
my office chair was missing an important part...
the arm.
It was lying on the floor.
SOMEONE has been sitting in MY chair.

When planning to come home and heat up some leftover dinner
from the night before,
I discovered it had gone missing.
The food anyways...the bowl was still there.
SOMEONE has been eating MY porridge.

When retrieving some items from the guest room closet,
I noticed all the covers and pillows from the bed 
had been thrown all over the floor...
and the bed was unmade.
SOMEONE has been sleeping in my bed.

I think there is a very simple answer 
to these strange phenomenons...
has struck again.

And here she is!
PS  I am waiting for the fairy Godmother to show up next.
I'm very patient...I can wait.
