Friday, May 13, 2011

It's Good Economics

I did an economics lesson today with my second graders on
goods and
producers and consumers.
I never liked economics much.

One thing I preached to my children, and my students
at school, is money doesn't buy happiness.
Not sure if that was a successful lesson with my sons.
I hope it was...time will tell. students, they have to really think about it 
at their age.
When I asked them the other day, after reading a chinese folktale,
if they thought you could be happy if you didn't have very much money,
there was a few loud resounding "NO's" in the bunch.
I guess maybe I might have thought that too at seven or eight years old!

You know what I wish?
I wish that we still bartered with other people,
like in the old days. 

I will redecorate your bedroom,
you do my yard work.

I will tutor your daughter in reading,
you give me some homegrown tomatoes and corn
from your garden.
I will write you a poem for your Dad's birthday,
you make a pillow for my niece.

Wouldn't that be awesome within your own network of
family and friends,
to list your available goods and services,
and list what you'd like to barter for.

That would be pretty cool.
And ideal.
And convenient.
And good economics,
I think.

I guess I would have to stop saying
"It's Good to Be Queen."

There's always a catch!