Sunday, May 1, 2011

I See the Light

Sweet music to my ears.
If you're a teacher, you know what I mean.

Yes, there are 31 more days until the end of May,
and yes,
school is technically not out until a few days past May this year,
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.
Oh, what a beautiful light it is!

You're a tough one.
You won't make it easy for me, that's for sure.
You'll seem to last forever
while giving me a glimpse of what's to come.
You're full of promise, though.

You do provide me with one holiday,
and it's on a Monday.
For that, I thank you.
You are usually good about 
staying warm and dry.
Outside days are a good thing in May.

(Please help me out on our zoo trip 
this week.)

How I love ya, how I love ya.
I'm sorry you always see leftovers of me.
If you were August, you could meet
a new me...a refreshed me.

 I've been hanging on,
waiting for you to arrive.
Now I can take a deep breath
know  that I can make it.

Three sweet little letters in such
a small word.
oh how you deliver!
In such a big way!
You made my day, May.


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