Monday, February 14, 2011

Twenty-three Hugs and a Big Sucker

I wasn't really ready to return to school today.

I'd had two weeks of snow days


still felt the need to play.

It was quiet, it was peaceful,

it was fun to stay up late.

If the laundry needed cleaning

it most likely had to wait.

I slept in, I took long naps,

I did what my heart most desired,

I watched movies, began a blog,

and whatever else transpired.

I was easy-going, cavelier,

and went make-up free for days!

I read magazines, watched HGTV,

made my omelettes all sorts of ways.

But then, alas,

the time did come,

when back to school I headed.

It wasn't really that the kids

themselves were what I dreaded.

It's just I wasn't sure if I

could fake a morning smile...

The school bell rang and in they came,

all lined up single file.

I took a deep long cleansing breath,

and prayed that they were tired,

I knew that on this Valentine's Day,

they'd be full of glee and wired!

I smiled at them and they at me,

with snaggle-toothy grins,

and 23 hugs later....

I was suckered in again!!
