Sometimes when you judge a book by its cover,
it surprises you.
It may have not appealed to you at first,
but the more you read it,
the harder it is to put down,
and sometimes,
even after just a few pages,
you fall for that kid,
(I mean book.)
You can't always get from A to B,
without zigzagging around a little.
I mean, it seems an obvious route,
but sometimes obvious doesn't work.
Alphabetical order isn't all it's
cracked up to be.
You don't want to miss the R's, Q's, and V's.
Sometimes when you have to work it out with a friend,
and neither of you want to give or budge,
it helps to stand in the hall and have to
come to an agreement before you can return to the room.
And if you get really tired of not agreeing,
you can at least agree to act like you agreed...
so you can return to the room.
I think adults should have to go to the hall.
You don't have to be the best at everything you do...
just try your best at everything you do.
Some of us are better thinkers, some better speakers,
and some better doers.
A few are good at all three.
Teacher's pet wannabes.
If I'm having a really difficult day,
a piece of candy from the treasure chest
makes everything right.
Especially if it has a lot of little pieces inside one wrapper
to make it last longer than everyone else's piece.
Having to run the track two times before
playing on the equipment
is a clever way to ensure that
one runs around the track instead of walks -
which helps take the wiggles away.
This is the kind of genius they can't teach you in college.
This is the kind of genius they can't teach you in college.
Learning a new language
is a lot easier for a seven year old, than
lot older than seven year old.
Smarty pants!
Being told from the first day of class that we
are a family-
we watch out for each other,
help each other,
respect each other,
encourage each other
only makes me feel more like a mom
on the last day of school.