Monday, May 23, 2011

Lucky Me

Happy Anniversay, Baby
got you on my...mind.
(Hope you know that Little River Band song from the 70's or that's
gonna just seem weird.)

thirty years today.
I was a child bride.

I sure do love my sweetheart.
I'm hoping we have another thirty years together,
and I'm also hoping
that one of us doesn't get really
tired of the other by then.
I'm not gonna say which one...
you can decide.

I think we've matured 
in our years of marriage.
We don't fight much, if at all.
I'd just call them more like gripe sessions.
I think after thirty years together,
we have the right to gripe occasionally.
It's a good outlet.
And it's better than throwing things -
somebody has to clean up the mess.

Mostly, we just mesh. 
Like pork and beans.
Ooh, I don't like that analogy.
Like peanut butter and jelly,
Fred and Ethyl,
Rock and Roll!

We like pretty much the same things
and dislike the same things.
We can almost read each other's thoughts.
We can finish each other's sentences.
We know how the other feels 
without even having to ask.
That's one thing I love about being married for 30 years. 

It sure is a lot less work than when we were newlyweds.
We still had to figure each other out.
We had to learn how to give and take...
and meet in the middle.
Not easy for someone who is use to having their way.
Again, not saying who,
don't like to point fingers.

We're empty nesters now.
That sets the tone for a whole new 
flight in our journey.
We're free birds...sometimes
we just don't feel like flying.
Other times,
we spread our wings, catch a breeze,
and don't look back. 
Mostly we like to just cozy up in our nest,
fluff our feathers a bit,
whistle a little tune.

Not that we aren't spontaneous anymore.
Oh yeah, we can be spontaneous.
(Let me just pencil that in real quick.)
Spontaneity is fun
and I like it.
But familiarity and security,
refuge and peace
are better.
I like them even more.
They're comfortable.
I like comfortable.
And I really love my sweetheart.
He makes me feel very comfortable!

Happy 30th Anniversary 
to my guy...
my best friend,
the love of my life..
my Sweetheart.
I really do want to spend the next
30 years
and only you.