As a mom,
I know I often hope
that my sons will remember
all the little things...
So Mom,
I wanted to share some of the
"little things"
I remember when I was younger.
Things you might not have thought would
matter or make a difference, or
even be appreciated.
But they were...
and still are.
I remember the homemade taffy pull at my slumber party,
the sewing lessons with my cousins,
the time you held me close when a college friend died,
the tea party you set up outside for my neighbor friends,
trying so hard not to cry when I left for college,
painstakingly sewing beads and lace onto the veil you made for my
wedding day,
the homemade skating outfit for the roller rink,
making a special birthday dinner each year for me(still do),
helping me with my English papers,
letting me practice driving when Dad wouldn't,
my surprise 18th birthday party,
letting me play teacher with you at school,
surprising me with a new bedroom
when I came home from vacation at Grandma's,
sending an encouraging letter to me
at church camp, just when I needed it most,
praying for and with me,
letting me go to a new church to be
with my school friends,
being as excited as I was the rainy night our
lost dog appeared at our doorstep,
crying softly when you first saw your new grandsons.
Thanks, Mom.
It's the little things that
have made such a difference in my life.
They all add up to one big thing...