Saturday, May 7, 2011

For My Sons

Happy Mother's Day:  A Love Letter
To my boys...
I want you to know that
the most rewarding experience I've ever had in life was being a mom.
In fact, I think I was made to be a mom.
I love many things about my life
but none have compared to that of motherhood.

I loved being able to bury myself in being your mom and focusing on you 
for so many years.
I loved raising you and trying the best I could, your Dad and I, with God's guidance,
to shape you into
the men you would one day become.

 I can't think of sweeter moments in my life than when we were all together,
our family,
 enjoying life and making memories.
I can't wait until you get to experience those same moments with your families someday.

You give me so much joy, 
and I can't help but love you to the moon and back.
You are my blessings.
You will always be my boys,
but I am so proud of the men you are.

I love you forever.