Opinion: Food is also a four-letter word. I like food.
Fact: I am the firstborn of three daughters.
Opinion: It really messed me up.
Fact: I drive a Toyota Camry.
Opinion: I pretend like it's a convertible Camaro.
Fact: My day at school begins at 7:25 a.m.
Opinion: In my head, it begins at 10 a.m.
Fact: I have 34 first cousins.
Opinion: My Grandmas loved me best.
Fact: Baptist doctrine does not include alcoholic beverages.
Opinion: Margaritas taste really good.
Fact: I am smarter than a fourth grader.
Opinion: My kinders think I'm a genius.
Fact: I have been married almost 35 years.
Opinion: I have been happily married for 32 years.
(OK, that was for you, Honey. That's your classic old joke that I never
thought was very funny.)
Fact: Listening to classical music can improve test scores.
Opinion: Listening to 70's classics could produce a school full of geniuses.
Fact: I have arthritis, a bone spur on my heel, insomnia, ringing in my ear, etc.
Opinion: You're only as old as you feel. Whatever.
Fact: I am a teacher, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, pianist, writer, skier,etc.
Opinion: I am WOMAN. Why don't I feel invincible?
Fact: Diet Mountain Dew has zero calories.
Opinion: Diet Mountain Dew has magic powers.
Fact: My real hair color was dark brown.
Opinion: My real hair color is dark brown.
Fact: This blog post has a beginning and an end.
Opinion: I could keep going, but I need to stop. And load the dishwasher.