Today, I'm thanking my lucky stars
(well, really God, of course)
(well, really God, of course)
my friends and coworkers at school.
Past and present.
You know who you are.
Some time ago,
I started a 1000 gifts journal.
I wanted to write it down. Read it
again and again. Remember every day.
All the reasons I am thankful.
All the things I am thankful for.
All the people.
I noticed as I was rereading my list,
that my friends and confidantes
at school
come up quite often.
They are on my mind quite often.
I don't tell them that, quite often.
It's time to say it.
What am I most thankful for?
Their humor? Nope. But boy, does it make for a better day at work.
They fall off chairs, wear funny outfits, write silly notes,
use funny nicknames, cause mischief at the
table during staff meetings,
and tell hilarious stories.
Their ideas? No, but a point worth making.
You don't think most of those wonderful activities, games, songs you see me use in my classroom are original,
do you?
Their dedication to the profession I also love?
Uh-uh, but it goes without saying. Oh, could I give you a long list of
reasons they could be somewhere else instead.
But they're not.
Their support and friendship? Well, this was a debatable close second.
After all, I am focusing on THEM today. But no, not even that.
Not even that we share fears, tears, heartaches, celebrations,
and jubilations.
We share prayers, hugs, lunches, materials,
soda money, private jokes.
We. share. pretty. much. everything.
That's what teacher's do.
OK. So you want to know
what I love most about them?
My dear friends and colleagues...
My sisters (and brothers) in education...
My neighbors and comrades...
It's the love they have for their students. Their children. Our children.
I see the same love in their eyes, hearts, hands, voices,
It's deep and it's our common ground.
It's the reason they are here.
It's the reason they do this, day after day,
It's the reason they do this, day after day,
year after year.
Some days (even years) it's not so easy.
They just don't feel like it.
They don't see how they can possibly give more.
Oh, but I see it in their eyes.
They sparkle when they talk to them. Teach them. Hug them.
They sparkle when they talk to them. Teach them. Hug them.
Console them. I hear it in their voices. They laugh with them.
Read and sing and play
with them.
Their hearts are full because of them.
That's what I'm most thankful for.
Their hearts full of love for their students.
Our most common thread.
Our reason for coming back tomorrow.
And the next day. And next.
Thank you to my friends and colleagues, past and present.
You make me better.
You are my privilege.
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