Tuesday, February 17, 2015

May I Have a Do-Over, Please?

Anybody else out there tend to have
perfectionist personalities?
(I blame my birth order.) 
I'm a selective perfectionist.
The definition is not pretty.

Selective Perfectionist, n. One who chooses to complete
random tasks to perfection, and has full potential to do
everything "just right," but often chooses to waste their time
perfecting something else, when other things
require attention.  Also known as 

One advantage to being more, ahem...mature,
is knowing that life is full of lessons and 
ironies and u-turns,
and learning to heed them is what makes it
so interesting.
I'm so glad I wake up every day with a new do-over.
I mess up every day. 
But I think God likes it that way.
The more I mess up, the more I need Him 
and learn from Him.

I'm not a perfect friend.
And I've learned I don't have to try to be friends with everyone.
Real friends are tried and true, 

I'm not a perfect mother.
I look back on raising my children,
and feel the things I did right mattered most,
and the things I did wrong -
definitely mattered, too.

I'm not perfect on the outside,
(WAY not perfect)
but I consider inner beauty
to be far more important.
ALWAYS  working on that.

  I'm not a perfect wife.
Ask my husband.
But I know I love him more today
than when I married him 33 years ago.
And I know if he ever leaves me,
I am going with him.
(He's going to be upset with me for
making that little joke,
so don't tell, OK?)

I'm not a perfect daughter.
But I'm the oldest of three girls
so I TRY to be the most perfect.
It hasn't worked out so far.

I'm not a perfect sister.
Ask my other two.
They'll tell you a thing or two.
Just don't believe everything you hear.
There's always another side to each story.

I'm not a perfect housekeeper.
Please refer to above definition of
selective perfectionist.

I'm not a perfect teacher.
That makes it easier to
change the things I can,
accept the things I can't -
and always keep trying.

I'm not a perfect writer.
I adore using run-on sentences,
I start some with "And,"

and have been known to 
dangle a participle or two.

I'm not a perfect Christian.
I'm glad I'm not.
 He still has a lot to teach me.
Generally speaking, I think people expect
Christians to be perfect. 
God doesn't.

That's the real me.
Willing, hopeful,
messed up,
thankful, listening, trying,
and forever
Ready for my daily
