Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

This one will be a little hard to put into words.
I still get teary when I think of her.

My Grandma would have been 96 years old this month.
She's been gone for many years, but it doesn't seem like that long ago.
I still miss her terribly.
I wish I could talk with her, sit next to her and
hold her hand,
help her look for her teeth, 
spend summer weeks with her,
watch her belly jiggle when she laughs,
make pies and dressing with her in the kitchen,
listen to her stories.....
Sometimes I dream about her...
then sadly, I wake up.

I can't say I have too many heroes...
But Grandma was my hero.

She loved unconditionally,
she used kind words,
she worked like an ox,
she never complained,
she didn't mind getting her hands dirty,
she loved serving others, 
she put her family first, 
she loved God
she loved life.

And just like all good Grandmas do,
she made all of us grandkids feel like we were her favorite.

She was at my graduation and wedding.
She was with me when both of my boys were born.

I was with her on the day she died.

I've never been quite the same since that day.
A little piece of me went with her.
But more importantly,
 many pieces of her have stayed with me.

If I can be only half of the kind of woman 
Grandma was,
then I've nothing to complain about.

"My lands!" 
Grandma,  I'll see you "d'rectly" one day.
Happy Birthday.
I love you...

1 comment:

  1. So very precious, Tammy!
    I hope I'm that kind of grandma to my grands!
    I remember my grandma lovingly! I think I was her favorite!
    I remember when she would visit she always took the time to play with else did that! She was awesome!
    Thank you for sparking that memory for me!
