Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

This one will be a little hard to put into words.
I still get teary when I think of her.

My Grandma would have been 96 years old this month.
She's been gone for many years, but it doesn't seem like that long ago.
I still miss her terribly.
I wish I could talk with her, sit next to her and
hold her hand,
help her look for her teeth, 
spend summer weeks with her,
watch her belly jiggle when she laughs,
make pies and dressing with her in the kitchen,
listen to her stories.....
Sometimes I dream about her...
then sadly, I wake up.

I can't say I have too many heroes...
But Grandma was my hero.

She loved unconditionally,
she used kind words,
she worked like an ox,
she never complained,
she didn't mind getting her hands dirty,
she loved serving others, 
she put her family first, 
she loved God
she loved life.

And just like all good Grandmas do,
she made all of us grandkids feel like we were her favorite.

She was at my graduation and wedding.
She was with me when both of my boys were born.

I was with her on the day she died.

I've never been quite the same since that day.
A little piece of me went with her.
But more importantly,
 many pieces of her have stayed with me.

If I can be only half of the kind of woman 
Grandma was,
then I've nothing to complain about.

"My lands!" 
Grandma,  I'll see you "d'rectly" one day.
Happy Birthday.
I love you...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wish You Could Have Been There!

I told the story of The Three Bears to my class today.
It's an oldie, but goody.

I was inspired by a friend at work who told a story
in the auditorium yesterday to about 275 four and five year-olds.
She didn't miss a beat...
and they loved it! 

I forget how much fun it is to act like a kid sometimes.
Making up a Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear voice...
hadn't done that in a while.
Throw in a little improv for laughs and giggles and you've 
got yourself a winning tale.

How do you know?  Not a sound in the crowd while you're talking,
falling on the floor in giggles,
every eye on you,
and applause, of course.

I wish everyone had some five year old friends to offer
such warm affirmations.
I bet some of you are tired of hearing about my new five year old friends.
(I told you when I started that I knew there was some good blog material
coming down the pike!)
That's cool.
Or that's too hot.
Or that's just right.
I digress.

I liked my ending. 
I surprised even myself.
Baby Bear took on a more modern lingo...
and a little bit of an attitude.
Sure, he did some crying, 
some whining,
but in the end,
he was, like,....
Um, there is like someone in my BED,
and like she is totally NOT supposed to be there,
and like, she has yellow hair,
and like,
she BROKE my chair and ate my porridge,
and like,
NOW she's using my favorite squishy pillow.

I even crack myself up sometimes.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Return of the Jedi

It doesn't take that long to come back...
remembering how to teach kindergarten.
The first weeks were merely a blur...
procedures, procedures, procedures.
Building that foundation.
Twelve-hour work days.
Long hot baths 
and naps.
(That last part at home, not at school....obviously.)

If you're a kindergarten teacher,
 you'll understand everything I'm about to say.

The younger the child,
the more mothering they need.
The more mothering they need,
the more attachment you feel.
The more attachment you feel,
the more mothering you provide.
It's a cycle...

I'm heavily invested already in just six short weeks.
I forgot about that part.
But it happened for sure.
Just kinda snuck up on me.

Things I might have forgotten...
Going home right after school's out -not gonna happen.
Singing makes everything better...
that and candy.
I need more band-aids - apparently,
they have magic powers....even
on invisible boo-boo's.
Puppets will make even the
shyest child talk.
That desk I bought to put in my room-
not really necessary.
Some people just WANT to cut their hair.
I hate shoelaces.

Things I didn't expect to say...
"Do NOT get in the bathroom sink."
"You really don't want to eat that!"
"I don't want to hear anyone say TEACHER for five minutes."
"I know it's only 9:30 (p.m.)...
but I'm going to bed."

Things that make me smile.
"Teacher, I love you."
Looks on faces when Buzzy puppet shows up.
Listening to five-year olds sing.
"I did it, Mrs. Bowen!" 
Diet Mountain Dew.
Having to say,
"Please do NOT get in the bathroom sink."
(OK, that one's iffy...but you'd just have to see
the little munchkin!)
"You're cute, teacher!" 

Things I'm thankful for.
Hand sanitizer.
Washable paint.
Good bacteria.
Labor-day holiday weekend...
it's really not appreciated enough.
Adult friends at work.
A sense of humor.

I'm a work in progress...
a returning kindergarten teacher.
Only difference is...
I'm old enough to be their Grandma now,
not their Momma.
I have arthritis, a bum knee,
and hot flashes.
But I've still got it...
may the force be with me.

Yep, I'm smiling!