Fossil jeans from Yahoo!Shopping
Skinny jeans...
Skinny jeans...
now who do you suppose invented these?
Someone who wished they were skinny and could wear them...doubt it.
Someone who enjoyed looking at other people
wearing them...I think not.
Someone who wanted all the skinny people
of the world to unite in common pomposity...
(again, I turned to a thesaurus for this perfect word,)
highly probable!!
Please don't get me wrong -
I generally don't hold it against
I generally don't hold it against
those of you who can wear them.
But seriously...
numero uno - you don't have to let everyone know that you're wearing them,
number two...they could have just as easily been called
"Leave Nothing to the Imagination" jeans,
number three...most likely, as you get older,
every time you have to buy a new size up, you'll
call the last pair your "skinny" jeans.
It's called Karma....(smile.)
I mean, you don't see us going around announcing our
every time you have to buy a new size up, you'll
call the last pair your "skinny" jeans.
It's called Karma....(smile.)
I mean, you don't see us going around announcing our
"Pleasantly Plump" pants or our "Too Tight to Zip" trousers!!
I'd like to think people could use a little sensitivity in the naming of garments...
"I'm a Big Girl Now" clothes, or
"I'm a Big Girl Now" clothes, or
"I Could Wear a Smaller Size, But This Was on Clearance" wear,
or maybe even an
"At Least People Won't Wonder if I'm Not Eating Enough"
Let me just say , if I ever design
and market clothing, I'm not going to leave the majority out!
That's a promise!
Now ...back to work on my new idea
for work-out wear called.
"If You Can Wear That, You Don't Need to Exercise!"