DEer tEechR,
Please don't worry,
no need for affright,
you might not remember,
but we don't bite.
That's just an old rumor,
from those who know not,
they think we are babies,
and that we're just tots.
But don't you remember-
we know PLENTY enough,
like how to pretend,
share, take turns and stuff.
We give smiles and bear hugs
and we try not to cry.
We come in with excitement,
'til it's time to say bye.
We are busy and learning-
and making new friends,
and we love to show off
our new snaggle-tooth grins.
Sometimes we will jump
to show our urgency,
and you'll know that look-
it's an EMERGENCY!
You'll tell us it's OK,
accidents just happen.
Even the teacher has them sometimes,
just like children.
Do you still like to dance,
play the piano, and sing?
We hope you still do
'cause we love ALL those things.
We DON'T like to nap though,
'cause we're all growed up.
We really like candy,
a whole, whole, WHOLE bunch!
Do NOT be afraid, teacher.
You'll see, it's all good.
We'll help you the first day,
just like we should.
just like we should.
We'll let you take nap time,
if you so desire...
'cause we know that teachers
sometimes get real tired.
And each day when you
send us home for the night,
we promise our bestest -
we WILL NOT bite.
yer nOo