I think I would make a good Dogmother.
You know, kind of like a child's Godmother,
but for dogs.
although I don't seem to want to keep a dog,
or live permanently with one,
they keep coming into my life.
And working some sort of
unexplainable magic dog-spell
on me.
There was Dixie, my "niece" dog.
I loved her.
She was a beautiful, vibrant,
happy-go-lucky girl.
She's the one I might have taken
home and given it another shot with,
if my sister ever needed to
give her away for some reason.
Alas, she disappeared after many years.
Next, there was my sweet little Rudy.
(Actually, there was another dog attempt before
Rudy, but we're not going there.)
I brought him home for the boys.
I thought they'd love him and he would love them.
Unfortunately, their lives were too filled
with sports, school, and activities
to have much time for a puppy.
And he attached to me.
I felt too sorry for him being home all
day and most of the evening by himself
to keep him.
So back to the farm he went.
I cried when I took him back
after two weeks.
But he was a happy camper there.
Lots of room to run around and chase animals
and live inside with the family.
And his owner told me he was very
protective of the stuffed-duck toy I sent with him.
Probably cause he knew it was from me. Smile.
Riley is my son's girlfriend's dog.
She is such a cutie.
She loves cheese and will shake, turn around,
and lie down for a little treat.
She thinks she's human
and LOVES Rhiannan.
She also loves Matt and will
lay next to him, put her paw over his leg,
and lay her head on him.
I like to think of her as my granddog.
I like it when she comes to visit.
Matt had a foster dog, Lily, for a few months.
I babysat her one night when I went to
his house to do a little decorating.
She, of course, won me over quickly
with her baby qualities -
then sleeping, eating then sleeping,
yawning then snuggling next to me
and sleeping.
How could I not love that?
Matt accused her of being a little naughty sometimes-
but I just don't believe it.
And most recently,
there was Sadie.
She is a friend's dog...a very lovable,
old, sweet dog of thirteen years.
Last time I stayed with Sadie,
while her family was out of town,
she still liked to get in on the action.
She would thump her tail loudly,
slurp her water
ridiculously loud and messy from her bowl,
and huff and puff like an old granny.
Yet, somehow, this non-lover of dogs
managed to fall for her. I missed her when we left.
I had the privilege of staying with her again
last weekend.
She's even older and sweeter now.
She still slurps loudly and
huffs and puffs after just barely moving,
which she is hardly able to do,
bless her heart.
One thing she CAN still do quite well is emit gas.
She felt the need to lay down right next to me
while I was on the computer,
and prove exactly that.
Everyone else was already in bed,
but I managed to choke out a loud,
"You've GOT to be kidding me!",
before letting her outside to get rid of
the demon inside her.
But I still love her.
She is her owner's baby-
part of their family, and much loved.
In fact, they almost lost her a couple of weeks ago.
But she's still here.
Thank goodness.
Sweet ol' Sadie dog.
I think I will definitely deem myself as her
out-of-town dogmother.
So there you have it.
I think I have proved myself worthy
of being Dogmother extraordinaire.
If you need one,
just let me know.
I will love your dog, let it come play at my house,
and enjoy spoiling it.
I just won't keep it.